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Who is Lacey?Lacey Anderson Smith is the owner and lead instructor of LA Dance.
Who Do I Contact If I Have A Question?Angie Price mans the front desk at LA Dance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact her by text or call at (601) 745-2008 between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm. You can also email us at any time at
Does The Studio Close For Holidays?LA Dance is closed on the following holidays: Labor Day Halloween Thanksgiving Week Christmas Break New Year's Day Spring Break Memorial Day 4th of July If there are any other studio closings during the year, they will be announced on our Facebook page.
How Can I Keep Track Of Important Studio News?There are several ways that parents can keep up-to-date on studio news: LA Dance Facebook Studio Emails & Texts Website Events & News Pages Parent Portal Studio Newsletters Waiting Room Calendar
Where Does LA Dance Perform Other Than The Recital?Traditionally, LA Dance has these local performances: Halloween Christmas Parades Loose Caboose There might be additional performance opportunities available throughout the year. Make sure to check in with the studio's Facebook often so that you don't miss any important performance information.
What Shoes Does My Child Need For Their Classes?LA Dance students are required to have specific styles of dance shoes depending upon the class in which they are enrolled. The following types of shoes may be purchased through the studio or at any dance supply retailer: Ballet Classes - Pink Ballet Shoes (Girls) or Black Ballet Shoes (Boys) Jazz Classes - Black Split-Sole Jazz Shoes Tap Classes - Black Tap Shoes Lyrical Classes - Tan Half-Sole Lyrical Shoes These shoes will be ordered through the studio: Hip Hop Classes - Sneakers* Musical Theatre Classes - Musical Theatre Shoes Acro Classes - Acro Shoes If your child is enrolled in a pointe class, you will need to take them to get fitted in person for a pair of pointe shoes. Ask for recommendations about suggested retailers. * The hip hop shoes ordered for the recital are not to be worn to class. These are for performances only. Students should have a separate pair of new sneakers to wear for their weekly classes. It's important that these sneakers only be used at the studio. Everyday wear sneakers easily pick up grit and even small rocks in their treads that can cause damage to the studio floor.
What Clothing Does My Child Need For Their Classes?The clothing requirements for each class are listed on the class page for that dance style. For the majority of classes at our studio, students should wear appropriate exercise or dance apparel. Loose or baggy clothing is not appropriate unless otherwise noted.
When Are Monthly Tuition Payments Due?Tuition is due on the 1st day of every month. After the 8th day of the month, accounts will be charged a $25 late fee. Automatic payments may be set up within your account settings of DanceStudio-Pro so that you don't become late. If you need help, please ask the front desk for help.
When Are Other Fees & Costs Due?In addition to tuition, students will incur other expenses throughout the year including recital fees, costumes, shoes, private lessons, etc. For the bigger-ticket items like costumes, you will be allowed to split the cost over a few months. Any other expenses are due immediately unless otherwise noted.
What Payment Options Are Available?Payments may be made in cash, by check, or online. Please make sure that you understand the studio policies related to each method. Online Payments can be made through your DanceStudio-Pro account. They allow you to add the following payment methods: credit/debit cards, Google Pay, and US bank accounts. You may also set up automatic payments to ensure that you're never late on your child's tuition! [Please note that processing fees will apply] Checks Checks should have a brief description of what the payment is for in the memo line and must be placed in a payment envelope Cash All cash payments must be placed into a payment envelope. Payment envelopes may be found on the studio's front desk. Payments made by check or cash must be sealed in one of these envelopes. You must also completely fill out the information required on the front of the envelope before turning it in.
What Is The Studio's Policy Regarding Refunds?All funds received by LA Dance for class tuition, costumes, shoes, competition and event fees, etc. are nonrefundable. The only exception to this policy would be a circumstance in which LA Dance changed or canceled an event. In this limited case, the student's studio account will be credited with the refunded amount.
What If I Withdraw My Child From Their Classes?In the event that a student withdraws from their classes, ALL monies already paid to the studio will be forfeited. Accounts will continue to be billed, including monthly tuition fees, until the studio is officially notified that a student has been withdrawn.
When & Where Is The Recital?LA Dance holds their recital every year on a Saturday in June. Details, including the venue, will be provided as soon as they become available.
What Do I Need To Know About Recital Week?On the days leading up to the recital, extra rehearsals will be held. The schedule for these rehearsals will be distributed ahead of time so that arrangements can be made to have your child there. These rehearsals are very important, especially for younger students who don't have as much experience onstage. The big stage with a audience can take some getting used to for young or inexperienced dancers. The day before the recital is dress rehearsal. All students are required to be present in full costume. If you're new to our recitals, our backstage staff can help with any questions or concerns you have.
What Do I Need To Know About Recital Day?All dancers must be backstage and ready to go no later than 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the recital. This includes having hair and makeup complete as well as being dressed in their first costume. Parents can escort their child to their dressing room before the recital and help get them prepared. However, prior to the beginning of the recital they must be in their seat in the audience. Only parents who are members of our backstage staff are allowed to be backstage just prior to and during the recital. Dancers are not allowed to leave backstage once the 15-minute warning has been issued prior to the recital's start.
Can My Child Have Drinks Or Snacks Backstage?Yes, but there are some restrictions that must be followed. Water is the only beverage that is allowed in the dressing rooms. Feel free to pack non-messy snacks for your child as well. It's very important that no messes are made in the dressing rooms. Spills from sodas and dirty or sticky fingers from some types of snacks become a huge problem when you have a dressing room full of girls changing clothes. We also need to be aware that we are guests of the venue, and we shouldn't ever leave behind a mess for them to clean up.
Why Are Students Charged A Recital Fee?Many studios sell tickets for their recitals, but we don't. We've found that charging a recital fee for each student is a better method for covering recital costs such as the venue rental and lighting/sound personnel. This also means that we do not charge admission to our annual recital. We want to make absolutely certain that anyone who wants to come support our dancers is able to do so! Payment of the recital fee entitles the student to: - 2 pairs of tights - 1 recital t-shirt - 1 recital program - Studio pictures - Recital DVD You may order additional recital t-shirts or programs, but those orders are done early in the dance season so be sure to follow our Facebook for announcements or contact our front desk.
What Are Recital Ads?These are the advertisements that are printed in our recital programs. Our programs are full-sized, full-color keepsake booklets. In order to fund them, we ask that each child sell 1 full page of ad space. Ads can be ¼ page ($35), ½ page ($60), or full page ($110). Also, these ads may be personal or business ads. Many of our parents select their favorite pictures of their child with a message to be displayed. However, students are encouraged to also approach local businesses to sell ad space to them as well. Ad sales sheets are typically sent home with students in January. They are given to the end of the month to return their sheets with payment for at least 1 full page.
What Rules Are Students Expected To Follow At The Studio?1. No candy, gum, food, or drink is allowed in the studio with the exception of bottled water if needed. 2. Students must always wear their hair up during classes. 3. Students must always be dressed in appropriate dance attire and shoes during classes. Failure to dress appropriately or failure to have proper dance shoes will result in a student sitting out of class. Multiple or consistent failures will result in the student's dismissal from class. 4. Street shoes must be removed before entering the dance floor area. 5. No cell phones may be used during class. 6. Students are encouraged to use the restroom prior to the beginning of class in order to avoid interruptions. 7. Students should arrive for class on time and must be picked up promptly after class is over. 8. All students and parents must keep an open mind and a positive attitude. 9. All students must be respectful of LA Dance teachers and other students. 10. Regular attendance to class is required.
What Is The Studio's Attendance Policy?In order for students to receive the full benefit of our instruction, they must attend class regularly. Poor attendance also negatively affects group routines which is unfair to the students who have good attendance. Because of this, we do have specific attendance rules at our studio. 1. If a student is unable to attend a class, you are expected to notify the front desk as soon as possible. Be advised that you will not be reimbursed for tuition paid for missed classes. 2. If a student is ill or injured, they are still expected to attend class as an observer until they are able to once again participate. In the case of an injury, students will not be cleared to participate in classes or performances without a doctor's release. In the case of illness, as long as the student is not running a fever or contagious, they are expected to attend. 3. We understand that our students are often involved in activities outside of dance. However, these other commitments should be considered before a student is registered for classes to prevent conflicts resulting in absences. 4. Students who accumulate too many absences may be withdrawn from their class.
What Happens If There's Bad Weather Or Some Other Last-Minute Problem?Obviously, we don't want you or your child on the road if dangerous weather conditions are present. Lacey will post on Facebook about class or event cancellations or changes in such circumstances. There may be other last-minute issues that pop up which can affect classes, events, performances, etc. If anything like this occurs, posts will also be made.
Can Parents Help?We always welcome parent involvement here at LA Dance. In fact, we often count on it! If you're interested in helping out in any way, reach out to Mrs. Angie at the front desk. Whether it's helping at an event, participating in fundraisers, making props, or a million other things that require help during the year, our parents can make all the difference in our success. NOTE: We always need parent volunteers to help backstage during the recital. If you're willing to volunteer, please let us know.

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